Montgomery County Child Custody Lawyers
Your family is our top priority. Conveniently located in Montgomery County, our trusted team has over 55 years of combined experience in child custody cases throughout Montgomery, Howard, Prince George’s, and Frederick counties. Our team will guide you through every step of the process to achieve the best outcome for you and your child(ren).
Recognizing that each family is unique, the courts in Maryland consider the following factors when deciding what custody arrangement is in your child(ren)’s best interest:
- Fitness of parents;
- Character and reputation of parties;
- Desire of parents and agreements between parties;
- Potentiality of maintaining natural family relations;
- Preference of the child;
- Material opportunities affecting the future life of the child;
- Age, health, and sex of the child;
- Geographic proximity of parental homes and opportunities for visitation;
- Length of child’s separation from a parent;
- Prior voluntary abandonment or surrender.
Our team approach will provide you with the experience you need to achieve the desired outcome for your family. Whether it’s a matter of legal custody, time-sharing arrangements, or even cases where one parent is relocating to another area or state, we are here to address your concerns. The ultimate objective is to minimize the amount of disruption in your child’s life.
One of the most important steps in a child custody case is evaluating whether your case can benefit from a child custody evaluation or appointment of a best interest attorney.
According to Maryland Rule 9-205.3, a child custody evaluation is a study and analysis of the needs and development of a child who is the subject of the proceeding and of the abilities of the parties to care for the child and meet the child’s needs. A custody evaluation is performed by an individual, known as a custody evaluator, who is approved by the court to perform a custody evaluation.
Maryland Rule 9-205.1 governs the appointment of a Best Interest Attorney (“BIA”). A BIA is a court-appointed attorney who provides independent legal services for the purpose of protecting a child’s best interest, without being bound by the child’s directives or objectives. In addition to representing parties in custody cases, we are frequently appointed as BIA’s to represent children in custody cases.
To learn more about child custody evaluations or best interest attorneys, please read our recent blog posts: